Senior Design Wins in National Conference

While most students are enjoying a relaxing summer break a few are continuing their research. In July, faculty, students and alumni convened in Omaha, Nebraska for the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference (ASABE). While at the conference, members participated in competitions, listened to presentations and networked with fellow ASABE members.
A group of students in the Senior Design class were in attendence to compete in the Annual
International Meeting-Gunlogson Design Competition. This competition sees students showcase various engineering projects. Following a win from last year, students once again were successful, placing first and second place.
First Place:
Appalachian Trail Brown Mountain Creek: Pedestrian
Bridge Replacement
Isabella Munson, Kelly Houck, Julia Bruneau, and Julia Post
Second Place:
Design Implications of Policy Change on Solar Site
Stormwater Management in Virginia
Natalie Larsson, Matthew Smith, Nicole Chapman, Colin Baldwin, Alex Lowe, and Kyle Lowe