Graduate Students
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Bio ItemHossein Ahmadi , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Scott/Sample Labs: Watershed Modeling, Data Analytics, Integrated Environmental Modeling
Bio ItemBinyam Workeye Asfaw , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Easton Lab: Watershed Modeling; Soil Moisture Modeling; Non-point source pollution
Bio ItemYuanzhi Bian , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Zhang Lab: Nanoparticle-based vaccine development; rational incorporation of molecular adjuvants in vaccine formulation
Bio ItemSuman Budhathoki , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Shortridge Lab: Hydrology
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Bio ItemGiorgia Cannici , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Duraj-Thatte Lab: Biologically programmed, living materials for architectural and industrial design applications
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Bio ItemQiaoqiao Ci , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Chen Lab: Biosensors based on Anti-CRISPR and CRISPR-associated proteins
Bio ItemRiley DeHority , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Zhang Lab: Immuno-engineering and genomics-informed vaccine design
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Bio ItemDeisiany Ferreira Neres , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Wright Lab: Synthetic biology, Protein effectors and protein engineering, Genetic resistance in plants, Signaling pathways
Bio ItemHoda Hammad , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Duraj-Thatte Lab: Synthetic biology and protein engineering for Engineered Living Materials platform
Bio ItemYawen He , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Chen Lab: Food safety and biosensors
Bio ItemKathleen Hohweiler , bio
Ph.D and GSO Secretary, Krometis Lab: Environmental/public health, drinking water safety, and community engagement
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Bio ItemTom Kasputis , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student and Walts Scholar, Chen Lab: Developing novel biosensors for the detection of foodborne pathogens and emerging viruses
Bio ItemSangwoo Kim , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Sridhar Lab
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Bio ItemMushtari Maliha , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Thompson/Sample Lab: Streambank restoration, stormwater management
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Bio ItemSabrina Mehzabin , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Easton Lab: Hydrology, Climate change, water quality, best management practices
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Bio ItemSarah Price , bio
BSE M.S. Student and GSO Volunteer Liason, Krometis Lab
Bio ItemElizabeth Prior , bio
BSE Ph.D. Candidate Hession Lab/V. Thomas FREC: Remote sensing investigating geomorphic processes
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Bio ItemRomina Seifollahi Asl , bio
BSE M.S. Student, Sun Lab: Precision medicine, drug delivery, gene editing, cell therapy
Bio ItemFatemeh Shacheri , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, Czuba Lab
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Bio ItemKatherine Wardinski , bio
BSE Ph.D. Student, NSF GRFP Fellow, and GSO President, Scott Lab: Wetland hydrology and biogeochemistry
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