John Ignosh
- Research: Agricultural byproduct utilization, renewable energy, energy efficiency, nutrient management, Extension programming, project analysis, and international development

2322 Blue Stone Hills Drive #140
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
M.S., Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences, Specializations - Forest Management and Integrated Water Resource Science, U.S. Peace Corps Master’s International Program, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota
B.S., Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences, Specializations - Forestry and International Studies, Concentrations: Latin American Development and Spanish, The Ohio State University
Professional Certifications
- Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Association of Energy Engineers, Cert. No. 16580
- Solar Photovoltaic Assoicate, North American Board of Certified Engergy Practitioners, Cert. No. PVA-012517-015797
- Certified Forester (CF), Society of American Foresters, Cert. No. 55074
- Distributed Generation Certified Professional (DGCP), Association of Energy Engineers, Cert. No. 236
- Certified Nutrient Management Planner, VA Department of Conservation and Recreation. Cert. No. 541
- Level I Thermographer, FLIR Infrared Training Center, ISO 9712. Cert. No. 37736
- Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Institute (VNRLI), 2009 Fellow
June 2024-present- Senior Extension Specialist, Agricultral Byproduct Utilization, Department of Biological Systems Engineering & Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
August 2017 - June 2024 - Advanced Extension Specialist, Agricultral Byproduct Utilization, Department of Biological Systems Engineering & Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2006 - July 2017 - Area Specialist, Agricultural Byproduct Utilization, Department of Biological Systems Engineering & Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2005 - Project Estimating Assistant, Hanlin-Rainaldi Construction Corporation, Columbus, OH
2002 - 2004 - Agroforestry Extension Agent, U.S. Peace Corps Master’s International Program, Concepción Huista, Guatemala, C.A.
2001 - 2002 - Teaching Assistant, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN
1999 - 2001 - Post Graduate Researcher, Air Quality Group, University of California, Davis, CA
Selected Major Awards
- Silver Award - National/International Projects, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Awards for Excellence for “Wood Bioenergy Assessments in support of U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program”, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Office (SREF). Recipients: J. Munsell, J. Ignosh, C. Bolding. 2011
- Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence for "BSE Engineering Update" Publications, Long (17-32 pages). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers(ASABE). Recipients: R. Grisso, J. Arogo Ogejo, Z. Wen, J. Ignosh, B. Benham, and C. Mariger. 2008
- New Initiatives, Rockingham County Farm & Family Safety Day, Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2007
- Oficina Forestal del Año, Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB), Guatemala, C.A., 2004
Program Focus
The goal of my extension programming is to promote the efficient utilization of agricultural byproducts. Role includes conducting renewable energy project analysis and resource assessments. Collaborate on regional efforts to assess opportunities to integrate nutrient management technologies with renewable energy generation. Assist project developers with unbiased technical information on bioenergy conversion technologies including anaerobic digestion, biodiesel and thermal conversion processes. Assist farmers and rural small businesses in conducting energy assessments and audits of greenhouses, dairies, poultry farms, and other operations.
Selected Recent Publications
(* undergraduate student, ** graduate student)
- Quesada Pineda, H. J. Ignosh, and B. Anderson. 2016. Capacity Building for Agricultural Technical Vocational Educational and Training Programs in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Nicaragua. USAID/BFS/ARP-Funded Project: AID-OAA-L-12-00002. Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA.
- Stephenson, S., S. Chase-Walsh, A. Lindrose, J. Worley, and J. Ignosh. 2016. Virginia Citizen's Guide to Environmental Credit Trading Programs: An Overview. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication ANR-173P. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
- Evans, K., M. Arthur, A. Bassow, B. Buchheister, P. Burnette, M. Chestnutt, J. Corson-Lassiter, J. Dawes, J. Ignosh, J. Jefferson, S. Jefferson, S. Jirka, D. Kugler, D. McNutt, M. Melino, A. Middleton, B. Monley, C. Musgrove, E. Nellums, D. Reed, J. Reilly, M. Reiter, A. Santacreu, P. Stuntz, and N. Young. 2016. Farm Manure-to-Energy Initiative: Final Report, Using Excess Manure to Generate Farm Income in the Chesapeake Bay Region’s Phosphorus Hotspots. eXtension Foundation.
- Ignosh, J., M. Booher, and A. Horn. 2015. Solar Water Pumping Demonstration and Monitoring Project, Final Project Report. Staunton, VA.: Valley Conservation Council.
- Kernaghan, N., J. Larson, J. Ignosh, N. Jefferson, L. Snyder, C. Cohen, M. Bardales, S. Alvarez, and J. Mayorga. 2015. Innovation for Agricultural Training and Education 'InnovATE' Honduras: Assessment Report. USAID/BFS/ARP-Funded Project: AID-OAA-L-12-00002. Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA.
- Ignosh, J., J. Ogejo, J. Welsh, and M. Yancey. 2014. Exploring Solar Energy Applications in Rural Virginia - Applying Renewable Energy Project Screening, Analysis Tools and Decision Support Software, Project Report. Richmond, VA.: Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy.
- Stephenson, K., A. Latane, G. Evanylo, J. Ogejo, D. Beegle, C. Abdalla, J. Pease, J. McGrath, J. Ignosh, T. Richard. 2013. Technical Analysis for Nutrient Crediting of Manure Conversion Technologies, Mid-Atlantic Water Program Technical Report, 66pp.
- Meisinger, J., J. Pease, M. Dubin, J. Baird, T. Basden, D. Beegle, J. Bricker, R. Brinsfield, F. Coale, B. Delaney, S. Friedman, D. Hansen, J. Ignosh, M. Johnston, E. Kandell, Q. Kettering, V. Kilbert, S. Lane, R. Maguire, K. Sellner, K. Shenk, K. Staver, P. Stuntz, E. Van Dolah, and H. Zygmunt. 2012. Chesapeake Bay Goal Line 2025: Opportunities for Enhancing Agricultural Conservation Conference Report. STAC Publ. No. 12-02, Edgewater, MD.: Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee.
- Shea, E., L. Bull, L. Brubaker, D. Gardner, R. Graves, M. Hoff, K. Hughes Evans, J. Ignosh, D. Lovell, B. Monley, and C. Musgrove. 2010. Animal Manure Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: New Opportunities to Meet Load Reduction Goals, Project Report. Annapolis, MD: Keith Campbell Foundation.
- Hustwit, C., J. Munsell, J. Ignosh, and M. Bolding. 2010. Preliminary Feasibility Assessment for the US Forest Service a Proposed Biomass Facility in Yreka, California Klamath Site. Pittsburgh, PA.: National Energy Technology Lab, Federal Energy Management Program, United States Department of Energy.
- Wen, Z., J. Ignosh, D. Parrish, J. Stowe, and R. Jones. 2009. Identifying Farmers’ Interest in Growing Switchgrass for Bioenergy in Southern Virginia. J Extension. 47(5): 1-10 (Online).
- Ignosh J., S. Stephenson, M. Yancey, W. Whittle, and M. Alley. 2009. Virginia Landowner's Guide to the Carbon Market. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 442-138. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
- Ignosh, J., Z. Wen, D. Parrish, R. Jones, and J. Stowe. 2008. Identifying Farmers' Interest in Growing Switchgrass for Bioenergy in Southern Virginia: Some Human Dimensions of Citing a Biorefinery. Blacksburg, VA.: Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Ogejo J., Z. Wen, J. Ignosh, E. Bendfeldt, and E. Collins. 2007. Biomethane Technology. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 442-881. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
- Wen Z., J. Ignosh, and J. Ogejo. 2007. Fuel Ethanol. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 442-884. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
- Velásquez, M., and J. Ignosh. 2005. Manual de manejo silvicultural de Pinabete con fines navideños. Coordinación Naciónal de Pinabete, Protección Forestal, Instituto Naciónal de Bosques. San Cristobal Totonicapan, Guatemala.
- Ignosh, J., Kilgore, M. 2005. “Pinabete: One Opportunity Toward the Sustainable Development of the Guatemalan Highlands” Paper No. 185, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN.
Selected Recent Funding
- 2016 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Strategic Initiatives to Achieve Regional Phosphorus Balance in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Co-product market development. M. Reiter, J. Pease, and J. Ignosh. $283,842.
- 2015 - Valley Conservation Council: Solar Water Pumping Demonstration and Monitoring Project. J. Ignosh, M. Booher, and A. Horn. $1,548.
- 2014 - Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission: Agricultural Energy Efficiency Initiative – PHASE II. M. Walker, J. Ignosh, S. Barts, C. Clarke, P. Blevins, A. Fannon-Osborne, S. Jerrell, D. Jesse, J. Latimer, S. Mariger, C. Martel, T. Reed, and H. Quesada Pineda. $373,500.
- 2014 - Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy: Leveraging US Department of Energy Tools for the Old Dominion: Reaching More People and Lowering Costs of Investment-Grade Energy Audits, J. Ignosh. $4,750.
- 2013 - The Center for Natural Capital: Virginia Community Wood Energy Program, J. Ignosh. $12,750.
- 2013 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Collectively Impacting Watershed Health and Nutrient Pollution Across the Shenandoah and Rappahannock River Basins, E. Bendfeldt, K. Niewolny, P. Callan, K. Love, T. Mize, T. Ohlwiler, K. Boys, C. Iden, D. Harpole, J. Ignosh, and C. Marston. $656,267.
- 2012 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Scope of Work for Farm Manure-to-Energy Initiative, Project Support Activities. J. Ignosh. $25,000.
- 2011 - Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy: Exploring Solar Energy Applications in Rural Virginia: Applying Renewable Energy Project Screening, Analysis Tools and Decision Support Software. J. Ignosh, J. Welsh, J. Ogejo, and M. Yancey. $45,000.
- 2011 - USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Innovation Grant: Using Excess Manure to Generate Farm income in the Chesapeake's Phosphorous Hot Spots, A. Bassow, K. Hughes, J. Corson-Lassiter, B. Monley, C. Musgrove, S. Jirka, P. Stuntz, J. Throwe, D. Kugler, D. McNutt, and J. Ignosh. $848,424.
- 2011 - US Environmental Protection Agency Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Program: On-Farm Demonstration of Energy Generation and Phosphorus Recycling as an Alternative to Land Application of Poultry Litter on the Delmarva. D. Lovell, J. Lassiter, K. Hughes-Evans, M. Reiter, R. Monley, and J. Ignosh. $421,650.
- 2011 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Transitioning Small Dairies to Phosphorus Balance. K. Knowlton, J. Ogejo, R. Maguire, J. Welsh, and J. Ignosh. $600,000.
- 2010 - Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission: A Comprehensive On-Farm Energy Efficiency Pilot Program. M. Walker, and J. Ignosh. $248,842.
- 2010 - Virginia Tech College of Agriculture Life Sciences Integrated Internal Competitive Grants Program: VT Integrated Bioenergy Team. Hodges S., J. Fike, J. Cundiff, R. Grisso, J. Galbraith, J. Pease, J. Ignosh, T. Wynn, J. McGee, S. Prisley, S. McGinnis, J. Campbell, and J. Barney. $35,000.
- 2010 - Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy: Enhancing Bioenergy Project Development in Virginia: Identifying Potential Biomass Boiler Locations, Assessing Available Resources, and Streamlining Barriers to Biomass Utilization. J. Ignosh, J. Munsell, M. Bolding, L. Marr, and T. Moore. $77,500.
- 2010 - US Department of Energy: Systems Capacity in Support of Federal Energy Management Programs. J. Munsell, J. Ignosh and M. Bolding. $102,380.
- 2009 - Virginia Agricultural Council: Exploring Bioenergy Production Potential for Virginia Dairies II. J. Ogejo, and J. Ignosh. $20,000.
- 2008 - Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy: Inventorying Residual Biomass to Identify Opportunities for New Revenue Streams in the Commonwealth: Building One Common Database through Collaboration and Integration. J. Ignosh, R. Smith, L. Carstensen, J. Ogejo, and Z. Wen. $60,000.
- 2008 - Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Excellence Award: Small-Scale Biodiesel Production: A Potential Sweetspot for Innovative VCE Programming - Valley Brewers Unite! J. Ignosh, R. Clark, and Z. Wen. $3,300.
- 2008 - Virginia Agricultural Council: Planning for a Sustainable Biofuels Industry in the Old Dominion. B. Tracy, D. Parrish, J. Fike, J. Ignosh, and G. Stevens. $12,128.
- 2008 - Virginia Agricultural Council: Exploring Bioenergy Production Potential for Virginia Dairies. J. Ogejo, and J. Ignosh. $20,000.
- 2008 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Assessing the Opportunities of Implementing Combined Nutrient Management and Energy Recovery Technologies in the Shenandoah Valley to Minimize Nutrient Loss from Farms and Communities. J. Ogejo, J. Ignosh, E. Bendfeldt, J. Welsh, and H. Boyd. $30,000.
- 2007 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.: Pyrolysis of Poultry Litter for Liquid Fuels and Value-Added Products, F. Agblevor, J. Barone, J. Ogejo, J. Ignosh, and E. Bendfeldt. $342,743.