Buddhika Abeyrathne

Abeyrathne's PhD research focuses on advancing sustainable water treatment solutions by integrating several critical areas of study. I begin by identifying contamination and assessing toxicology effects in water to understand the full scope of pollutants and their impacts. This foundation supports my investigation into nitrogen pathways, where I explore how nitrogen cycles through ecosystems and contributes to water contamination. To address these issues, I aim to apply microbial sequencing technologies and flow cytometric analyses to precisely monitor and optimize microbial communities that can degrade or remove contaminants. This research culminates in the development of efficient and sustainable ecological engineered technologies, designed to harness these microbial processes for large-scale water remediation, offering a practical and environmentally friendly solution to mitigate water pollution.
Abeyrathne, B., Ranatunga, N., Chandrasiri, S., & Madola, I. (2024). Faunal diversity and the ecological aspects of a Community-Based fragmented lowland rainforest patch in Western Province, Sri Lanka. Environment and Natural Resources Journal/, 22(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.32526/ennrj/22/20230220
Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P., Imanthi, K.P.A., Abeysiri, H.A.S.N., Liyanage, G.Y., Pathmalal, M.M., Kulasooriya, S.A. (2023). Risk Assessment of Microcystin in Water Resources. In: Thajuddin, N., Sankara narayanan, A., Dhanasekaran, D. (eds) Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin . Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4514-6_24
Imanthi, K.P.A., Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P., Wijerathna, P.A.K.C., Liyanage, G.Y., Manage, P.M., Kulasooriya, S.A. (2023). Extraction of Cyanotoxins Using Filtration and Other Methods. In: Thajuddin, N., Sankara narayanan, A., Dhanasekaran, D. (eds) Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin . Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4514-6_39
Liyanage, G. Y., Kulasooriya, S. A., Manage, S. P., Dissanayake, D. M. P. I., Bandara, K. R. V., Prabhath, B., & Manage, P. M. (2023). Screening of Polyketide Synthase Genes in the Anatoxin-a-Producing Cyanobacteria. In Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin (pp. 375–379). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4514-6_51
Subsanguan, T., Jungcharoen, P., Khondee, N., Buachan, P., Abeyrathne, B. P., Nuengchamnong, N., Pranudta, A., Wannapaiboon, S., & Luepromchai, E. (2023). Copper and chromium removal from industrial sludge by a biosurfactant-based washing agent and subsequent recovery by iron oxide nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45729-5
Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Ranatunga, R. A. G. N., & Madola, G. K. I. S. (2020). A revealing study of Faunal Diversity in a Fragmented Lowland Evergreen Rain Forest Patch: Wawekele Reserve Forest, Avissawella, Sri Lanka. Loris JOURNAL OF THE WILDLIFE AND THE NATURE PROTECTION SOCIETY OF SRI LANKA, 29(1), 18–25. https://www.wnpssl.org/publications/
Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Ranatunga, R. A. G. N., Abayaratne, S. S., Bandara, S. K. (2023). New records of hump-nosed viper Hypnale nepa from the Horton Plains, Sri Lanka. TAPROBANICA, 12(1), 28. https://doi.org/10.47605/tapro.v12i1.300
Conference Proceedings
Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Imanthi, K. P. A., Wijerathna, P. A. K. C., Dilrukshi, K. T., Liyanage, G. Y., & Pathmalal, M. M. (2022). Water Quality and Microbial Contamination Status of Ground and Surface in Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Aetiology (CKDu) high Prevalence Polonnaruwa in North Central Province, Sri Lanka, 9th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA) 2022, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. (Issue ISSN: 2386-1509, p. 45)
Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P. and Ranatunga, R.A.G.N., 2022. Habitat and Breeding Ground Preferences of the Vulnerable Fish Species Sri Lankan Cherry Barb (Puntius Titteya) According to the Water Quality in Aquatic Habitats in Lowland Wet Zone, Sri Lanka. In: International Research Conference of SLTC 2022. Padukka, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Technological Campus, pp.180-182.
Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Chinthaka, S. D. M., Liyanage, G. Y., & Manage, P. M. (2022, June). Water quality and microbial contamination status of ground and surface water in high prevalence chronic kidney disease of uncertain aetiology (CKDu) areas in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka. 6th International Research Conference, IRCUWU 2022, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. 141. ISBN: 978-624-5856-38-1
Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Nawavimarn, P., Khondee, N., Sonthiphand, P., & Luepromchai, E, (2021, May), Removal of Arsenic from Contaminated Soil by Biosurfactant-based Washing Agent, 30 th Thai Institute of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Conference (TIChE 2021), 380–388. http://tiche2021.tiche.org/
Jayasinghe, J. A. S. M., Amunugoda, P. N. R. J., Arawwawala, L. D. A. M., Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., Bandara, U. W. S. K., & Karunaratne, V. (2021). Mitigation of post-Covid-19 disorders and secondary infections by direct targeting of organ persisting pathogens and stimulation of human immunity via immunomodulatory nano-carriers enriched food formulations. COVID-19: Impact, Mitigation, Opportunities and Building Resilience from Adversity to Serendipity, 1, 199–210. National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka: ISBN 978-624-5896-00-4
Jaysinghe, J. A. S. M., Amunugoda, P. N. R. J., Arawwawala, L. D. A. M., Abeyrathne, P. A. B. P., C Sarangapani, & Karunaratne, V. (2021, January). Mitigation of Post-COVID-19 Disorders and Secondary Infections through Stimulation of Human Immunity and Direct Targeting of Organ Persisting Pathogens by Immunomodulatory Nano-Carriers Enriched Food Formulations. COVID-19: Impact, Mitigation, Opportunities and Building Resilience (p. 12), Colombo, Sri Lanka. https://covidcon.nsf.gov.lk/
Jayasinghe, J., Amunugoda, P., Arawwawala, L., Rajawardane, U., Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P., & Karunaratne, V. (2020). Novel Approaches for Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic by Food Formulations Enriched with Antioxidant Nano-Carriers and Nano-Biosensors, 3rd Bandung International Conference on Collaborative Health Research-BICCHR 2020 (p. 87), Bandung, Retrieved from https://bicchr.com/
Ranatunga, R.A.G.N., Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P. and Madola, G.K.I.S (2019). A Preliminary Study of the Faunal Diversity in a Fragmented Lowland Evergreen Rain Forest Patch: Wawekele Reserve Forest, Avissawella, Sri Lanka, International Research Conference of the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, pp 31.
Ranatunga. R.A.G.N. and Abeyrathne, P.A.B.P. (2019). Importance of Puntius titteya as a biomarker to determine the water quality of aquatic habitats in the low and mid-country wet zone of Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the international forestry and environment symposium of the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, 24, pp 41.