Sabrina Mehzabin
- Research areas: Hydrology, Climate change, water quality, best management practices

Ph.D., Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2025 Expected
M.S., Water Resources Development, IWFM, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2019
B.S., Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2015
August 2021-present, Graduate Research Assistant, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
February 2020-July 2021, Specialist, Advisory (Sustainability and Climate Change), PricewaterhouseCoopers Bangladesh
- Awarded 3rd position in Undergraduate Paper Competition organized by ASCE-EWRI at EWRI Congress 2017 in Sacramento, California
- Awarded travel grant to present paper in EWRI Congress 2017, Sacramento, California
- Awarded Pratt Fellowship to pursue PhD in Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech
- Awarded international South Asian Water (SAWA) Fellowship for pursuing MSc in Water Resources Development funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada
Teaching Assistant for BSE-3154 Thermo Biol Systems, 08/2021 - 12/2021
I currently work on research concerning the uncertainty in best agricultural management practices under future climate change scenarios in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed region. This project is a STAC Synthesis of Chesapeake Bay project and falls under the umbrella of projects that seek to solve the agricultural, environmental, economic problems that are prevalent in the Chesapeake Bay region. My project includes hydrologic analysis of Chesapeake Bay watershed with SWAT, assessing uncertainty in relevant agricultural BMPs in the study area, field sampling, and analyzing uncertainty in the prediction of future climate scenarios and their impacts on the BMPs. The research will also include sensitivity analysis of the major BMP parameters with changing climate and the development of mitigation strategies to overcome uncertainty challenges.
Published Journals
- “Trend Analysis of Variables and Modeling of Flow and Salinity of the Gorai River Using 1D HEC-RAS Model”. World Environment and Water Resources Congress 2019, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DOI:
- “Assessment of Climate Variability and Its Impacts on Livelihood in a Coastal Area of Southwest Bangladesh”. ‘Climate’ journal in MDPI, 2021. DOI:
Oral Presentations
- “Trend Analysis of Variables and Modeling of Flow and Salinity of the Gorai River Using 1D HEC-RAS Model”. World Environment and Water Resources Congress 2019, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania