Centennial - Virtual Celebration
The BSE Centennial Celebration, scheduled for the weekend of October 16th-17th, has moved to a fully online format.
A celebration for BSE Alumni and Friends

Virtual Live Event Schedule
Friday, October 16 - Live Sessions
Drop in to get information about the Centennial Celebration program, to get help with finding or entering the room you’re looking for, to contact another attendee, or any other event-related support.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 0996 4589
Meet current BSE graduate students during a series of 3-5 minute presentations on their ongoing research. A “Come and Go” session.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 7757 5013
Oriented toward BSE undergraduate and graduate students, this event will feature multiple simultaneous “Come and Go” sessions in which BSE Alumni share their experiences and advice on topics requested by BSE students.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 1516 5802
Breakout Sessions:
- Water/Environment Careers
- Biomedical Careers
- Pharmaceutical Careers
- Food & Beverage Careers
- Renewables & Biofuels Careers
- Health & Medical Careers
- State & Federal Careers
An update on the BSE Department and an overview of Centennial Program highlights from the current Department Head. This will be followed by an information session about the current BSE undergraduate program, presented by BSE Ambassadors.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 4993 3279
This is a series of rooms set aside for you to reconnect with your fellow alumni and with former BSE personnel. Rooms will be designated by decade of graduation, by technical specialty, and other categories based on level of interest. The format will be “Come and Go,” so you can visit as many rooms as you like.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 7059 7471
Breakout Sessions:
- 1960's and Earlier Alumni
- 1970's Alumni
- 1980's Alumni
- 1990's Alumni
- 2000's Alumni
- 2010's Alumni
- 2020's Alumni
- Land and Water
- Power and Machinery
- Food & Bioprocessing
- Electrical & Instrumentation
- Structures
- Northeast
- Southeast
- Midwest
- Southwest
- West
- Private
- Industry
- Government
- Academic
- Current/Former Virginia Tech Staff & Faculty
Saturday, October 17 - Live Sessions
Information and details on the day’s events and other program-related support.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 3813 6212
Drop in to visit with BSE faculty and their research teams in a casual, small-group, come-and-go setting. Here, you can learn more about all the current work going on within BSE – instruction, graduate education, undergraduate research, extension, research and more – and how BSE is building a better future. Before joining, we hope you’ll watch the videos (Bioprocessing and Biotechnology Videos/Watershed Science and Engineering Videos) prepared by our faculty and teams. They provide some great background, and we think you’ll enjoy them!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 7343 5048
Breakout Sessions
Brian Benham (Watersheds, pollution, drinking water)
Juhong Chen (Food safety, biosensors, bioinstrumentation)
Jonathan Czuba (rivers and floodplains, sediment)
Zachary Easton (hydrology, water quality, modeling)
Robert Grisso (for Seitz Hall; biomass, machinery, precision farming, safety)
Cully Hession (streams, sediment, habitat, restoration)
John Ignosh (agricultural byproduct use, renewable energy, nutrient management)
Leigh Anne Krometis (public health, waterborne disease, stormwater)
Robert Lane (food processing, properties measurement, sustainable energy)
Erin Ling (private water supply testing, water quality education and outreach)
Christian Mariger (agricultural mechanics, fabrication, engines, power trains)
Jactone Ogejo (Organic bioresidues, aerial pollutants)
David Sample (urban stormwater management, modeling)
Durelle Scott (streams, wetlands, pollutant transport)br> Dr. Ryan Senger (systems and synthetic biology, metabolic engineering)
Julie Shortridge (water resources, climage change, risk and decisions)
Venkat Sridhar (earth systems modeling, hydrology, climate change)
Tess Thompson (ecological engineering, streams, wetlands, urban stormwater)
Mary Leigh Wolfe (for HABB1; nonpoint source pollution, watershed management)
Clay Wright (plant synthetic biology)
Chenming (Mike) Zhang (proteins, nanoparticle drug delivery, vaccine development)
Following introductory remarks by Dean Alan Grant (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) and Dean Julia Ross (College of Engineering), BSE Department Heads will share their insights and perspectives from their respective tenures, to include noteworthy departmental accomplishments, significant challenges, major departmental activities and initiatives, personnel transitions, and the trajectory of the profession. These retrospective and forward-looking reflections will be followed by a round-table featuring BSE Department Heads and other guests as they engage in an open discussion with all attendees.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 3684 5362
The rooms will be organized as of Friday night, allowing you to close out the Centennial Program in the company of classmates, friends, and faculty.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 8957 2951
Breakout Sessions:
- 1960's and Earlier Alumni
- 1970's Alumni
- 1980's Alumni
- 1990's Alumni
- 2000's Alumni
- 2010's Alumni
- 2020's Alumni
- Land and Water
- Power and Machinery
- Food & Bioprocessing
- Electrical & Instrumentation
- Structures
- Northeast
- Southeast
- Midwest
- Southwest
- West
- Private
- ·Industry
- Government
- Academic
- Current/Former Virginia Tech Staff & Faculty
Registration is free.
You will get a confirmation with Zoom links sent to the email account you provide.
Your registration is appreciated and will help us provide you with your preferred interactive activites.
Instructions for joining the BSE Centennial Celebration on Zoom
If you have trouble connecting to the Live Sessions, please e-mail bse100-g@vt.edu or telephone (540) 231-6615.