Written Histories
Agricultural Engineerining at V.P.I. by Chas. E. Seitz. A history authored by Charles E. Seitz, the founder of what was then known as the Agricultural Engineering Department and its first Department Head, serving in this capacity from the Department’s creation in 1920 to his retirement in 1954. An excellent description of the Department’s first 30 years, rich in details on the Department’s creation and the evolution of its teaching, extension and research missions.
Agricultural Engineering: The Early Years. A history written by Earl T. Swink, department head from 1954 – 1969, with edits by C. Gene Haugh, department head from 1979 – 1986. A detailed description of departmental activities over the period 1914 – 1984 including names and activities of many departmental faculty and staff.
Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech: The First Century. A less-detailed but broader history of BSE, discussing the major challenges and achievements of the Department over its first 100 years and placing them into their larger historical context.