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Ecological Engineering Major

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Ecological engineering at Virginia Tech within the Department of Biological Systems Engineering is a new undergraduate major for Fall 2024. While new to Virginia Tech, our program has been at the forefront of ecological engineering for over 20 years. We believe ecological engineering is at the heart of future natured based solutions to our grandest challenge - how to improve our collective human well-being in the face of the changing climate across the world. 

What is the ecological engineering major?

The ecological engineering (EcoE) major provides strong foundational knowledge in engineering, science, and mathematics. Students will learn how to apply biology and ecology in engineering solutions. The engineering foundational courses during freshman year introduce students to engineering problem solving and design. Beginning in the sophomore year, students will apply this collective knowledge to the ecological engineering discipline, taking a series of courses providing the ability to quantify energy, mass, and water movement throughout living landscapes, from our forests and farms to urban areas. Students learn marketable internship skills (GIS, Autocad) early in the program and are provided a common Virginia Tech experience in discourse, reasoning, critical thinking, and analysis. Selected electives compliment the program, with choices from ecological restoration to field methods. The major provides hands-on learning experience integrating our unique outdoor classroom – Virginia Tech’s StrEAM Lab. The program culminates in a year-long Capstone Design Experience of real-world design problems with an industrial partner.

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Yes, it’s easy to switch from ecological engineering to biological systems sngineering. The courses you’ll take can all be applied to the BSE major. 

The EcoE major is a structured degree providing the skills and training to solve pressing societal, ecological, and environmental challenges with a holistic, systems approach integrating nature-based solutions.

Environmental engineers and ecological engineers apply scientific and engineering principles to design solutions that address environmental challenges and protect human health and ecosystems. Ecological engineering’s focus on holistic sustainable design and restoration of ecosystems using minimal inputs of energy and other resources, as well as its applications of self-design, distinguish it from environmental engineering. 

Yes – students coming into our program can graduate within 4 years regardless of being ready to take Calc 1 fall of their first year. Our advisor works closely with all students on their course plans to ensure a timely graduation and helps maximize their time at Virginia Tech by incorporating additional minors, majors, study abroad, internships, and co-ops as well as providing useful campus resources and instruction on career and professional development.