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A3 Lab

The research at A3 lab spans the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and cyberbiosecurity for water systems and smart agriculture. The A3 team develops AI applications and assurance algorithms to address persisting water security and agricultural public policy challenges, such as: protecting water supply systems, optimizing smart-farming and precision agriculture, analyzing international ag trade, and understanding the economic effects of outlier events on biological systems (such as rivers and watersheds) using data-driven methods. Throughout these AI deployments, serious show-stopper problems are persistent, such as: AI explainability, security, causality, and trustworthiness; as well as data bias and incompleteness, data democracy, and dark data. Our research is at the intersection of these issues.

Principal Investigator

  • Bio Item
    Feras Batarseh , bio

    Associate Professor: Artificial Intelligence Assurance, Intelligent Water Systems, Cyberbiosecurity, Context and Causality, AI for Agricultural Policy