Brad Vezzetti

Brad Vezzetti is a senior in BSE from Raleigh, North Carolina, with a focus in Biotechnology and a minor in Green Engineering. His interests include bioprocessing, metabolic engineering, and sustainability, and in the future, he hopes to work in a field where he can use these interests to help fight climate change.
Previously, Brad interned with Biomason, a small start-up company in Durham, North Carolina that utilizes bacteria to create biocement as a climate-friendly alternative to current concrete production. His work there focused on creating and testing new aggregates for creating a carbon-neutral cement block, and materials science research to help optimize manufacturing processes.
As a Virginia Tech student, Brad participates in undergraduate research as part of the Senger Lab, researching metabolic engineering of algae with the help of Raman spectroscopy. He is also a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers at Virginia Tech and plays piccolo for the Marching Virginians and Hokie Pep Band. In his free time, Brad enjoys hiking, playing and watching soccer, and exploring the local area.
Brad is excited to get the opportunity to be a BSE mentor, and he hopes he can use the last few years of engineering experience to help new BSE students and continue to grow the BSE community.